How to clean beats headphones

How To Clean Beats Headphones [In-depth Guide]


How to clean beats headphones

You and I, all love our Beats headphones, right? They help us to dive into the world of music and enjoy our favorite songs. But, Did you know that cleaning your headphones is just as important as organizing your music library? You probably knew it, that’s why you are here.

Over time, dust, dirt, and earwax can build up and impact the sound quality and sometimes can cause your headphones to sound muffled.

So, How to clean Beats headphones? no worries. This guide will show you just how to do it step-by-step.

Things You Need To Clean Your Beats Headphones

Before you start cleaning, make sure you have the right materials in your hand. You’ll need:

1) Microfiber cloth: Use this soft cloth for wiping the outside of your headphones. I personally use this cloth to clean my own Beats headphones.

2) Cotton swabs: They are suitable for getting into those hard-to-reach spaces.

3) Isopropyl alcohol: It is Great for cleaning surfaces. You can also use Clorox wipes to clean your headphones.

4) Mild detergent: To clean ear cushions and headbands.

5) Toothbrush or soft-bristle brush: Helpful for cleaning out nooks and crannies.

6) Lint-free cloth: To dry your headphones after cleaning.

How to Clean Beats Headphones  [6 Easy Steps]

To start cleaning your headphones. You will just have to follow the 6 easy steps given below. Keep your eyes open while cleaning so you don’t make any mistakes that could lead to malfunctioning your headphones.

Step 1: Cleaning the Exterior

Start by wiping down the exterior (outside) of your Beats headphones with a dry microfiber cloth. You can remove any loose dirt or dust with this cloth. Use a soft brush, like a toothbrush, to clean those tiny gaps where dirt is usually hidden.

To purify surfaces, follow these 3 steps: 

1) Soak a cloth with either isopropyl alcohol or simply use Clorox wipes. 

2) Gently wipe down the exterior of the headphones safely.

3) Be cautious to avoid openings such as the speaker grille. 

Step 2: Cleaning the Ear Cushions

To clean your Beats headphone’s ear cushions, follow these 4 simple steps:

1) If your headphones have removable ear cushions, take them off. 

2) Start by dusting and wiping them with a dry lint-free cloth to remove any loose debris.  

3) Dampen a cloth with mild detergent and water, and give the cushions a good wipe-down. Make sure not to soak them completely.

4) Dry them off and reattach them to your headphones.

Step 3: Cleaning the Headband 

The headband can also become dirty. To clean it, you should use a damp cloth or microfiber cloth with mild detergent and gently wipe the headband. Once again, make sure to avoid soaking the headband completely. Dry off your Beats headphones with lint-free cloth and don’t put them on until they are completely dry.

Step 4: Cleaning the Audio Jack and Ports

Sometimes, Debris gets stuck in the audio jack and ports. To clean the Audio jack and ports of your Beats headphones, follow the given 3 steps below:

1) Use a cotton swab or compressed air to carefully remove any debris in the ports. 

2) For a deeper clean, you can dampen a cotton swab with isopropyl alcohol and gently clean the ports. 

3) Before using your headphones again, make sure they are completely dry to avoid any type of malfunctioning.

Step 5: Cleaning the Audio Cables (If Your Beats Headphones Are Detachable)

If your Beats headphones have detachable audio cables, then follow these 3 steps below to clean them:

1) First, Disconnect your headphones.

2) Wipe down the cables with a damp cloth using mild detergent. Be sure not to soak the cables. 

3) Dry them off with a lint-free cloth before you reconnect them to your headphones.

Step 6: Cleaning the Carrying Case of Your Beats Headphones (if applicable)

If you have a carrying case with your Beats headphones, it might need some cleaning too. Take out everything from the headphones case, clean the interior with a microfiber cloth, and then give the exterior a gentle wipe-down. This will make sure that your headphones have a clean and safe place to rest when they are not in use.

Tips To Keep Your Beats Headphones Clean Everyday

To keep your Beats headphones clean and in top shape, You should follow these 3 simple routine tips to maintain your headphones:

Make your cleaning schedule: Make it a habit to clean your headphones regularly or once in a week, by taking out some time throughout the day. 

Store them properly: When you are not using your headphones, store them in a clean and dry place, preferably in their carrying case.

Avoid harsh chemicals and abrasive materials: Stick to mild detergents, isopropyl alcohol, and soft cloths to prevent damage to your headphones.


Cleaning your Beats headphones is a simple task that you must have to do in order to maintain the sound quality and hygiene of your headphones. With a few simple supplies and a little regular care, you can keep your headphones looking and sounding great. So, put on your favorite beats and give your headphones the cleaning they deserve!


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